Week 1: OWN IT October
Week 1: OWN IT October Progress Update
It’s going MUCH BETTER. I fought the frenzy multiple days and WON.
I did however go out TWICE unsupervised this weekend and of course ended up spending more than I should have. But, I spent a lot less than I would have in the past unsupervised.
I do think that having a weekly money date to review the numbers helps keep my spending more in check.
Let’s look at the data of what we have spent so far in October:
Groceries/Household: $114.38
Dining/Eating out/Entertainment: $259.66
Childcare (diapers, wipes, formula, orajel): $130.11
Pets: $350.26
Money WIN: New outfits/accessories/home decor purchased: ZERO
So far, I’m feeling pretty good.
There are obviously a few areas I would like to work on:
Dining/Eating out/Entertainment - it’s a trouble spot for us, but it was a trouble spot for a lot of clients I spoke with. Comfort food is a thing!
Pets - unfortunately the vet bill for Jane and Lola was still outrageous. In addition I forgot to modify our Chewy order, so I got 3 cats worth of supplies instead of one 🙁 At least we’re stocked for a while.
Childcare - kids are effing expensive, not much to be done here. Working on getting Jackson potty trained ASAP. Mila is also being bougie with her formula and going through orajel like CRAZY.
Money GOAL: keep dining/eating out/entertainment under $350
Money GOAL: review email daily for any subscriptions that need to be canceled, skipped
Outfits for the week of October 2nd - October 8th
I will be talking more about money dates in an upcoming post AND putting together a video for how to keep successful money dates for your own finances :) Stay tuned!
Do you have any money wins or goals for the month of October so far?